Soren Says...

Or rather, sings!  Soren wrapped up his last camp of the summer.  It's been pretty epic from Ballet to Circus to his favorite - Bug.  Cincinnati Parks has great programs for kiddos through out the summer at a super affordable price.  

Soren spent 3 hours a day for 5 days at Burnet Woods learning about birds, bugs, reptiles - all kinds of things in nature by hiking through the woods and crafting.  He had puddles of information for me when I picked him up and was thrilled to go everyday.  

Here is Soren on the big marble slide outside of the Nature Center at Burnet Woods.  Everyday after camp - 'mom, just 5 slides pa-leeeeeeeease....'

So this week, Soren sings.  Here's one of the tunes he learned at bug camp!


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

oren has been creating 'collections' from outdoors.  Leaves, rocks, acorns - you name it.  He's even snuck in a daddy long leg or 'Harvestman' from time to time.  We live next to a bird reserve so it's been great stomping grounds for this curious kiddo.  Here he is investigating the veins on a leaf. 'It's where they get their nutrition, mom!'


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

I can't believe we are halfway through the year already.  It's flying by (typical parental thing to say but oh - so true)!  We were at the Museum Center today and had the perfect photo opportunity.  Cincy is hosting the All Star Game this weekend and the town is blowing up.  Love this city - Love this kiddo!

Soren Says...

Soren is in rock climbing camp and it's... Awesome!  To say the least.  He loves it.  I have a feeling Rockquest may become a staple event at least once a week from here on out.

While climbing, Soren says -

'If you don't get it the first time just keep trying. You have to practice! It's very fun.'

Day 1.1 - not quite making it to the top.  He may have inherited my fear of heights, but traversing like a champ:

Day 1.2 - try, try - try.  Don't give up.  If you listen closely - you can hear him say 'no matter what.'

Day 2.  He makes it up!

Day 3.  He hit the ropes and made it half way to the top and belayed down.  I can't wait to hear what adventures Day 4 holds!

Around Here - Second Sunday on Main

Hello my dear recently quiet writing space!  Time for a Cincy shout out.

We've been staying busy this summer making the most of Soren's time off from school.  Yesterday we had some righteous Cincy heat, but had to hit up Second Sunday on Main, which is an absolute must to put on the summer to-do list if it isn't already.

this kiddo, this city. #lovecincy #sorenrules

The heat required lavender-lemon and salted carmel streetpops straight away, then lamb sliders from Hungry Bros. and finished off with a Beario from Brown Bear Bakery.  Soren got his first official bow tie - too cute, free face painting.  Of course - a tiger.  Then off to Washington Park spray ground to splash around with a buddy.

dapper wee man

me and the bubs.  #motherhoodisawesome

This city has so much to offer, I can't begin.  As if the local parks and recreation weren't enough, Soren's days have been filled with camps from Ballet, bug hunting, animal exploration, rock climbing and the Circus.  Thanks Cincinnati, for being so rad!