Living with the Food Police

I was never much of a health conscious person growing up.  My parents didn’t allow me to devour sugar all day, but we would eat out just like most families.  A Friday night pizza, a monthly Sunday lunch, and maybe a parental date to some place special.  I used to think that I was a pretty healthy person….until I met my wife.

I have now entered the uncharted territory of food “snobbery”.  Don’t take this as an attack, this is just how my wife (self-proclaimed) describes it “…my glazed and braised Brussel sprouts with my Lemon Pellegrino… ah snob snob snob”.  While making a kissing motion with her hands and lips.  I spent 4 years eating “food product” and MREs from the military, so when I started coming home to freshly cooked meals and organic products, I had no idea what I’d gotten myself into.

I asked Chelsea for some food pics to give an idea of what I eat now ▲

And what I considered food pre-wife ▼

 (she completely lost her cool when reading the ingredients - 'our government thinks THIS is acceptable nutrition for soldiers putting their life on the line?!?!)

I was the classic guy who would go to the grocery store and find whatever was the cheapest.  Needless to say, I'm no longer allowed to get groceries by myself.  Chelsea and I would be at the store to get something as simple as bananas….

TO MYSELF:  No way I can mess this one up, there is only one type of banana!  It’s either a banana or it isn’t!

…I bring this lovely bundle of bananas back to the cart only to be met with a face of disgust from my wife.

CC:  Um…you have got to be kidding me, those are hegemony bananas!

TC:  No, I’m pretty sure they are Chiquita bananas

CC:  Exactly!  They are made off the sweat and tears of farmers in a country (Jamaica, maybe... I think)  where they aren’t even allowed to sell their locally grown bananas because of the global monopoly Chiquita (or Dole.  Geez, I don’t know) has on bananas!  We definitely don’t support that so go put them back!

At this point we usually find the 1 banana that was hidden under a pile of turnips (that’s where they hide them because let’s be honest, nobody likes turnips - even my food snob wife) and we pay the same price for that 1 banana as we would have for the 17 bananas that I originally picked out.

This is a common scene in our household.  I'm not the only one benefiting from the food snobbery.  The kids do too.  They make trips to Findlay Market for fresh produce, dairies, meats and baked goods on average twice a week!  Th…

This is a common scene in our household.  I'm not the only one benefiting from the food snobbery.  The kids do too.  They make trips to Findlay Market for fresh produce, dairies, meats and baked goods on average twice a week!  They've been introduced to so many flavors (both 'mmm, yummy!' and 'tastes yucky to me...')

All jokes aside, Chelsea really has changed the way I look at food.  I now take notice of the ingredient labels and whether or not the food is non-GMO (Genetically Modified Organism, ‘chemical seeds’ as she says, 'If a bug won’t eat it - and a bug will eat poop, so we are clear - then we shouldn’t eat it' in reference to pesticides).  She is also very good at finding exactly what we need and still pinch pennies.  She has brought to light things about the food industry that I had no clue about.  On top of my new found respect for my wife and her food prowess, I can honestly say that I have never eaten better in my life!

authored by Trent Crutcher


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'




We've been playing catch up just about everyday this past month.  The CSO season started with a bang and soon (in a few weeks!) we will be starting yet another recording project.  Time flies.  I've had to rely on a couple iPhone shots of the wee man these past few weeks.  38 and 39 soon to come.  

35 - shopping at Findlay as usual.  A few days ago Soren built Findlay building with blocks.  I can't express how much fun it is to take him there to shop.  The foods and smells he gets to experience each visit are a blast to witness.

6 - We hit up the Renaissance Festival.  This turkey leg eating shot should say it all.  Sword fights, Dungeons of Doom, Jousting and knighted with a wooden sword.  It was a blast!

37 - The S-man practicing balance on the bumble bee.  Working on his 'surfing skills' as he would put it.  

That's it for now!  Be on the look out for the next 2 weeks and an update on what is new around here!

Around Here - Second Sunday on Main

Hello my dear recently quiet writing space!  Time for a Cincy shout out.

We've been staying busy this summer making the most of Soren's time off from school.  Yesterday we had some righteous Cincy heat, but had to hit up Second Sunday on Main, which is an absolute must to put on the summer to-do list if it isn't already.

this kiddo, this city. #lovecincy #sorenrules

The heat required lavender-lemon and salted carmel streetpops straight away, then lamb sliders from Hungry Bros. and finished off with a Beario from Brown Bear Bakery.  Soren got his first official bow tie - too cute, free face painting.  Of course - a tiger.  Then off to Washington Park spray ground to splash around with a buddy.

dapper wee man

me and the bubs.  #motherhoodisawesome

This city has so much to offer, I can't begin.  As if the local parks and recreation weren't enough, Soren's days have been filled with camps from Ballet, bug hunting, animal exploration, rock climbing and the Circus.  Thanks Cincinnati, for being so rad!

Around Here - Weekend with Grandma

I think these photos speak for themselves.

This past week was hyped to be a lot busier than it ended up, although still a full 50 hour week - Mom (as usual) came to the rescue so I could attend dress rehearsals and record shows knowing Soren was with one of his doting buds.  Watching these two is such a gift. 

Between May Festival Rehearsals, Concerts, Broadcasts and wrapping up a record - we got some sunshine at Lunken Playfield flying kites, playing tag at the playground, munching Street Pops and watering flowers in the backyard. 

Oh!  And intense games of Scrabble....

And a righteous mama - daughter date to Terry's Turf Club (sadly - no burgers since the power went out), then Arthurs (Greek burger - YUM!) and darts at Haps. Both of us crashing before 11:30pm.  #motherhoodrules

Thanks mom, xoxo 


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

This guy - this face.  I can't count how many times I've encountered that menacing brow.  Love it! 

(don't think it's menacing, look below *wink)

so much personality and all boy.  As gross as mealtime can turn into - it still cracks me up.