Soren Says...

Soon to be kiddos say.  Because trust me, some of their conversations are priceless and considerably wise.  Only 5 years of life and their ability to create - not just projects, crafts and games but ideas, theories and genuine conversation is astounding.  

This one, however is a Soren says.  But about the three.  

Blending families has it's challenges, but definitely it's tribulations.  Soren hasn't had brothers until now and I worried about his transition into brotherhood and understanding what that truly meant.  

My brother and I were raised a specific way.  One that I am truly grateful for 'when you hurt your brother, you hurt yourself.  when you make him laugh, you experience the same joy.  there is no one else in this world you are closer to'.  And it worked.  He is my best friend; my man of honor at my wedding.  Trent and I feel the same way about the three.  

So, when we visited Mr. Madison at Findlay Market, the three and I - and Mr Madison greeted Soren with a smile saying:

'Oh!  Hi there Soren!  I see you brought your friends with you today!'

and Soren replied:

'No, Mr. Madison.  These are my brothers.  My twin brothers - Mayer and Marley!'

Then grabbing their hands, rushed off inside with his brothers.

My worries began to melt leaving me a puddle of content, happy mess.  Mr Madison smiled at me and said 'Congratulations!', putting it all together with a huge grin on his face and a hug.  


Soren Says...

Or rather, sings!  Soren wrapped up his last camp of the summer.  It's been pretty epic from Ballet to Circus to his favorite - Bug.  Cincinnati Parks has great programs for kiddos through out the summer at a super affordable price.  

Soren spent 3 hours a day for 5 days at Burnet Woods learning about birds, bugs, reptiles - all kinds of things in nature by hiking through the woods and crafting.  He had puddles of information for me when I picked him up and was thrilled to go everyday.  

Here is Soren on the big marble slide outside of the Nature Center at Burnet Woods.  Everyday after camp - 'mom, just 5 slides pa-leeeeeeeease....'

So this week, Soren sings.  Here's one of the tunes he learned at bug camp!

Soren Says...

Soren is in rock climbing camp and it's... Awesome!  To say the least.  He loves it.  I have a feeling Rockquest may become a staple event at least once a week from here on out.

While climbing, Soren says -

'If you don't get it the first time just keep trying. You have to practice! It's very fun.'

Day 1.1 - not quite making it to the top.  He may have inherited my fear of heights, but traversing like a champ:

Day 1.2 - try, try - try.  Don't give up.  If you listen closely - you can hear him say 'no matter what.'

Day 2.  He makes it up!

Day 3.  He hit the ropes and made it half way to the top and belayed down.  I can't wait to hear what adventures Day 4 holds!

Soren Says...

Soren has this new 'thing' now.  It's so cheek pinching adorable and frightening at the same time.

This week I posted about his session.  He did the 'thing' here.  Soren turns to both Rick and I and says:

'I want to introduce myself, can I?'

The permission part kills me along with the look of enthusiasm on his face.  We respond,

'Absolutely bubs.  Go for it!'

'Hi - well.  I am Soren and I am 4 years old!  I have a birthday coming up.  I will be 5.  It's nice to meet you!'

Yep.  I'm not exaggerating any of this.  It's that stinking cute.  So in this crowd of mixed adults and older kids - they eat it up.  They introduce themselves genuinely and surround him with kindness.  

The playground - completely different beast.  Last night, we went to play soccer and there was a birthday party going on at the same time.  Kid fest at the playground.  Soren is so amped.  He asks me yet again:

'Momma, I want to introduce myself.  Can I ask them to play with me?'


'Of course bubs - go for it!'

Soren to a kiddo not much bigger than him:

'Hi! I'm Soren.  I'm 4 years old!  What's your name?'

The kiddo:

'I'm 7.'

That's it.  And turns his back on Soren, NOT with kindness.  Soren looks at me, you know parents - that look - like 'what did I do wrong?'.  On my toes I look over at the other side of the playground and see some other preschoolers - I respond with:

'Buddy - there's a villain over there.  We have to go save the world, hurry!'  

He ran to the other side and was quickly wrapped in play with his fellow preschoolers.  Whew.  My heart still melted for him.  I hope he never loses his enthusiasm for socializing; even if not everyone is up for the task.  Always try bubs.