I had this dilemma the other day. I couldn't decide what I loved more, dancing with my son to his father's very good taste in music (Paul Westerberg, from the former Replacements...in case you don't know...) or sharing multi-grain toasted bread with gi-normous avocado slices. I decided that it was neither - it was both.
As we hung out before bed, getting our last set of dance moves in - we snuck in some toast and avocado and some fresh juiced (from our Juiceman, courtesy of Missy - Soren's Mamaw, psst - thank you!!! your grandson LOVES juice) carrots, orange, strawberries, pineapple and celery. The babe can't get enough of this stuff. As soon as he hears the switch of the juicer he comes running into the kitchen, screaming, 'eeeeee!' and signing please as fast and hard as he can! I love it!
So in answer to my conundrum. It was all of it and more that I fell in love with that day. And the day after - something different, like watching Soren make the connection between the chalk, color and concrete. There were lines all over our sidewalks! It was the best artwork I have seen yet. I can't wait to fall in love with motherhood more tomorrow!