
'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

Exploring trails with Soren has to be one of my absolute favorite things to do.  He's so curious and enjoys both learning AND teaching on the hike.  I am receiving a lecture in this shot after accidentally stepping on a Daddy Long Leg appendage.  'You need to be more careful MOM!  Daddy Long Legs are part of Nature.  Nature is beautiful.' I couldn't make that up if I tried!

Ault Park: Toads, Mushrooms and Orb Weavers; Oh My!

I can't say enough about the Ault Park trails.  They are great for running and perfect for discovery.  Anyone can enjoy these trails.

Soren and I hit them yesterday and had a blast.  He worked on reading the trail map and choosing direction.  We hiked around the entire park through the trails.  From Forest to Tree to Cliff to the Overlook - we hit them all (almost...)!  I wonder what he enjoys more - the discovery of bugs and vegetation

or the challenge of the trail.

It was a blast seeing him discover and become confident on the trail.  And it wasn't always easy!  He had plenty of mud slides and giant trees to climb over and through not to mention the sweet 'baby' toad that 'needed to be returned to the creek'.  Of course!

And the 'woah!'s over fungi, fallen trees, and sticks that make words in the dirt.

And the acorns, abandoned wasp nests and orb weaver webs....

It was a morning well spent.


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

First fishing trip of the Summer!  We hung with good friends and worked on casting.  The kiddos really seemed to get the hang of it before they decided catching fish with the net would be easier.  Thank goodness for galoshes, well - sort of.  See below for the most efficient technique for emptying water from them. Hilarious.

23 & 24/52

'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

Catching up!  This is from ballet camp.  My IG feed is filled with Cincinnati ballet camp goodies.  Soren attended Peter Pan and LOVED it.  So much that he's asked to come back.  His pliés are precious.  I cried, of course. 

Summer is the time for sprinkler magic!  Needless to say this got muddy real fast.  Soren had a blast!  More of these pics to come.

25 coming soon and an update on how this summer is going.  The 'Soren Say's' I've compiled thus far are filled with ridiculous amounts of adorable.  More to come soon!  Happy 2015 Summer folks!

Around Here - Second Sunday on Main

Hello my dear recently quiet writing space!  Time for a Cincy shout out.

We've been staying busy this summer making the most of Soren's time off from school.  Yesterday we had some righteous Cincy heat, but had to hit up Second Sunday on Main, which is an absolute must to put on the summer to-do list if it isn't already.

this kiddo, this city. #lovecincy #sorenrules

The heat required lavender-lemon and salted carmel streetpops straight away, then lamb sliders from Hungry Bros. and finished off with a Beario from Brown Bear Bakery.  Soren got his first official bow tie - too cute, free face painting.  Of course - a tiger.  Then off to Washington Park spray ground to splash around with a buddy.

dapper wee man

me and the bubs.  #motherhoodisawesome

This city has so much to offer, I can't begin.  As if the local parks and recreation weren't enough, Soren's days have been filled with camps from Ballet, bug hunting, animal exploration, rock climbing and the Circus.  Thanks Cincinnati, for being so rad!