Around Here - Snack Trays

WHOA!  Where did this week go?!!!

Last week sped by with Music Now shenanigans and now this week is almost ending.  I am a 52 portrait behind, but I had to post about these little snack trays we've been doing around the house. 

I got the idea from Dr. Sears.  Toddlers require A LOT of sustenance, translation - LOTS of snacking.  I thought this was a fun way for Soren to build his own snacks and is super easy to keep clean and organized!

Here they are  - Soren's snack trays!


A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014'   

Soren is becoming an egg-sandwhich making champion.  I can't believe we are at 10 already!  It's March - 3/12, 1/4 (I know - great math momma....) of the year.  2014 is cruzin'!  Here are few other pics from our morning breakfast.  It was a tough pick this week... but this expression is PRICELESS!

Awaiting bacon - and the excitement afterward.  'Bam - I wov bweakfasssst!!!'

Around Here

Happy weekend everybody (for us - Baroque recording, Verdi's Requiem and Piazzola weekend)!!

Life around here has been a quick, fun and pretty crazy.  We are supposed to get hit with another winter storm on Sunday but I can sense Spring on the horizon.  Here are some tidbits of what we've been up to!

Climbing requires A LOT of energy and what better than homemade pizza to re-charge.  Cooking with Soren has just gotten more fun (and adventuresome).  He LOVES to make pizza and has gotten quite good at it  - or at least eating the toppings while putting them on 'more cheese, pleeeeease' and of course I comply, since I am scarfing it by the handfuls as well.  And I am always reminded 'ovens HOT! momma! BEEEEE CARE-ful!'

It actually warmed up enough that all the snow FINALLY melted - can you believe it?!  Which also meant GIANT, GIANT puddles for toddler play.  We had a blast out in the warm sun splashing in puddles and going for bike rides.  Oh - and not only is Soren a great kitchen helper, but he's in charge of the list at the grocery store.  And to think - I almost forgot candles, who put those on the list?!

yes - food is kinda a big deal around here.  We dig food - to cook, eat, smell, taste and touch.  Soren was making 'yellow dough, momma!' on the right.  He was stained with turmeric for almost 3 days - love it!  Here he is chowing down on the broccoli cheddar soup I made while he prepped the 'dough' and baked potatoes (and yes, my kiddo eats the skins first.  It took a silly amount of convincing to try the inside - he ended up dipping it in his soup.  Whatever works!)

The soup in the pic is pureed but here is my general recipe for Broccoli Cheddar Soup.  YUM!!!

Kefir and Curls

Just a quick note on what's new and old.  We said goodbye to a few of Soren's curled locks this week.  My little adventurer was up for the clippers so we gave him a nice short (but tasteful) 'do'.  I couldn't believe how great he did, he just kept giggling, hesitantly 'my head tickwles...hehehe.'

I do miss those little locks and look forward to them growing in (which they do - very quickly). 

Here is a before 'clippers' pic drinking Kefir.  A standard favorite in our household.  Also known as shake - because you have to 'shake it up' before drinking.  He's always had a good taste for Kefir and it keeps those probiotics in that little belly as we cruise through this arctic winter!  

We have a weekend filled with recording, mastering, a baby shower and a hopefully - a little family time ahead of us.  

Happy Weekend and Happy Valentines Day!


I probably sound like a broken record - but it is so crazy busy around here!  Not so much running around but fitting in time to mix, edit and master during nap times and early mornings.  We are having more success with schedules AND I finally got my calendar system down for the year.  

It seems archaic, but I went with the simple binder route, printed my iCalendar and found a super simple 'weekly' insert.  Its huge - but it also fits in ALL the cards, letters, addresses, pre-k paperwork and other nonsense in the folders and between pages.  It works for me.  Much better than trying to keep it all digital or in a conservative, cute little planner.  Function over form this time around.

So, I feel a need for a catch up with instagram.  This is what we've been up to:

the epic cold temps means we have been staying inside... A LOT.  but that doesn't keep us from playing with the snow!

we got hit pretty hard with the colds this year, hanging around for about three weeks or so.  we are knocking out whatever is left and preventing more with super foods and humidifiers. 


Soren's seahorse.  yesterday he handed this to me and said 'look momma, i drew you a seahorse!'  my response was, in shock 'wow, buddy!  that is an impressively accurate seahorse - I am so impressed.' negative points montessori mom.  but seriously - incredible right?  this is getting framed and going up at work - healthy reminders of what is important and credible.  motherhood is by far the greatest and coolest thing i have EVER done!