Spring Rain

Don't get me wrong, I love Summer thunderstorms but Spring rain showers have to be one of my absolute favorites.  Especially with Soren - He LOVES them!  

Soren is a professional puddle jumper and singer in the rain.  He dances and takes breaks to watch the rain come down into the puddles.  My brother and I were huge fans of playing in the rain and my parents always encouraged it (sans thunder and lighting of course).  Some of my best memories are from those Spring rain showers.

We had the most perfect soft rain last week and I was able to grab a few of these.

Toddler to Kid

I can't believe this actually happens.  I'm in even more disbelief that this is ALREADY happening with Soren.  

Warning - this is one of those 'I can't believe how fast they grow' posts, but I seriously can't help it.  I have to get this out.

Soren isn't a toddler anymore.  I don't know what the technical age is on this, but he definitely doesn't seem toddler-ish at all to me.  The tantrums have changed - no more head throwing back.  Even throwing toys has dwindled.  Now he works on calming his body down and breathing exercises.  Definitely not a toddler-ism, right?!

Just watching him play and run around.  Emphasis on the watching because he doesn't need me and sometimes want me around when he is playing with new found friends.  His gait and how he climbs or that he can climb EVERYTHING has all changed.  

Or listening to the songs he sings and comments he comes up with ALL BY 'HISSELF!'.  We went from no longer having a baby - to no longer having a toddler.  

It's amazing, truly.  Parenting has been the most worthwhile and rewarding challenge.  I never thought I could be so grateful and love so hard in all my life.  And at the same time, worry and doubt what I am doing as a parent. 

It's fascinating to see yourself as a parent move from making baby food and folding cloth diapers to discussing how to handle emotions, why manners are important, how the universe works and identifying bugs.  All with the same child over the small period of 3 years.  Incredible.

and for the love of buying shoes!!!  These feet are growing CONSTANTLY!!


A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014'   

Serious no-brainer this week.  We went to the Zoo today and had so SO much needed, living in the moment - kind of fun.  We've gone several times and have asked Soren in the past if he wanted to get his face painted.  This was the first time he actually asked for it and absolutely HAD to be a tiger!   We found his fellow cat friends afterwards for some roars.  This was the first day it really felt like summer was approaching!! 

Citrus Juicer

This is one of Soren's new favorite kitchen toys.  We had to snag some new Chemex filters (although now, we are looking into getting one of these) - and Soren picked up a Citrus juicer and asked me, in true toddler form - 'what is this?'

I told him it was a juicer.  He said 'right momma - it's a juicer.  Can I have it?'.  8 dollars later and a bag of oranges - and Soren is now juicing his very own, fresh orange juice everyday!

He loves t and is so proud.  Love it!


A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014'   

This week was a tough pick, so here are the two contestants.  I feel like Soren is kind of genius with the goggles.  He may be the only one with them - but at least he can see where he's going!  He loves the spray ground at Washington Park, like last year - I am sure there will be plenty of pics and videos!!