Around Here


Soren and I hung out in our backyard last week and it was SO beautiful I had to snag a few shots.

We have totally lucked out with this apartment.  We have amazing landlords, a bird sanctuary and 8 acres of forest in the back, a whole family of deer outside our bedroom windows, a rope tree swing - it's perfect.  We love it here, it was just what our family needed.   

Plus! We are 10 minutes from downtown and work with a safe bike route - can't wait to get pedaling.   

Our home is finally a sanctuary.  A calm place from the storm of work and chores.  We are in the throws of opera season, the station just started a new show Rick is working on, his project list is growing, and I have some really fun projects coming up in the fall... and our apartment, our home - is perfect for coming home, filling the mini pool and relaxing with our little man.   

Our backyard is not only calm - but a great place for sensory play.  We search and collect rocks, leaves and examine bugs.   

what are some of your favorite ways to relax?  where or how have you created your sanctuary? 

I Wanna Dance!

You know the line in Dazed and Confused, when Mike Newhouse's character is asked, 'if you don't want to be a lawyer, then what do you want to do?' and he responds emphatically - 'I wanna dance!​' 

This is what I imagine Soren saying every morning when his Dad turns on the tunes and he breaks into, yep - DANCE!​

Sensory Play - Paper Bags

What to do with all those Whole Foods bags?!  We use our re-usable bags as much as we can, but baby brain doesn't even come close to holding a candle to toddler brain.  They get forgotten at home, in the trunk, at work - you get the idea. ​

So we have ended up with a surplus of Whole Foods paper bags.  I've used them for wrapping paper and even recycled them back at the store.  But here is a new one - masks!!​

​Soren and I cut a few holes and squares in them and ran around the apartment playing hide and seek.  It was a blast - and super simple!

Sports? School?

Where did this come from?  When did he get to that age?  ​Sports - I can deal with that.  So he recognizes the differences between baseball and basketball.  When we pass the park and see people playing he shouts 'shoot! shoot!  Basketball!'  I love it. 

Basketball 06.jpg

But schools?  The quest started about a week ago.  Here in Cincinnati we have a public school system and within that system we have these satellite schools - some montessori.  We have introduced a lot of montessori methods at home with Sensory Play and even the books we have chosen to read - like the touch and feel books with real depictions of animals - and he really seems to gravitate to that learning style.  Or at least he seems to enjoy it!

We have heard great things about the montessori programs here in Cincinnati so we thought to check them out.  Sure enough - they seem like a great fit.  But like everything - there is always a catch.  There is the one that will take him in January - the other in the fall of 2014.  Two you have to essentially camp out for 11 days and maybe, just maybe​ you will make enrollment for one of the 3 spots open in their program.  The other is a catholic based montessori program, which well - for some may not be problematic but worry some for atheist parents. 

Whew!  Looks like we might be in for quite the adventure.  So for now - we will enjoy playing soccer, baseball and of course basketball with our little guy while prepping ourselves for either camping... or watching our little man grow up and start school!  What a time!  So surreal.​

How did you prep for school and/or sports?  What program did you pick for your kid/s?

Bits and Pieces...

We have been pretty busy at the VandeDrink-Andress Household.  Rick has some great new clients and projects, Soren is a ball of energy and my CSO/May Festival season is on it's way out.  Since I haven't had a chance to blog in excess - I am going to use my Instagram feed to do a round up of our crazy past few weeks.​

↑ My name is joined by several talented and amazing people on Philip Glass and Matt Haimovitz's recent release of Cello Concerto No. 2.  I had the opportunity to work with the ​Michael Riesman - ​not to mention the amazing ​Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra!  We were in the iTunes scroll for 2 weeks! 

↑ ​I've got mommas term, the Doula bag is packed and ready to go!  Spring means yummy fresh salads with my favorite pink lady apples.  I love how everywhere I go, I see a part of my kiddo.  He loves his cars and trucks! ↓

​↑ No words - He is getting so big and more handsome everyday.  How did I get so lucky?  Here we are on our way to Soren's first Red's game.  Soren downed a green smoothie and proudly sports his green 'stache. ↓

↑​ We are Sensory Play abound in these parts.  From stacking our Juice Plus+ containers and plowing them down to digging out treasure (straws, spoons and forks - all of which Soren has worked into his vocabulary!) from yummy raspberry jello!  Soren is also an excellent Barista and makes the best coffee. ↓

And the most recent of events - my newest Tattoo and by new, I mean - got it yesterday.  It's a Lotus with my Oma's shorthand, from the flower up saying: Patience, Consistency, Respect and Love.  Four words that impact me and my family more with each passing day.  One of the many lessons I have learned from motherhood - with many more to come.  India Behrens from Skincraft created this work of art.  I love it.​ ↓