Bits and Pieces...

We have been pretty busy at the VandeDrink-Andress Household.  Rick has some great new clients and projects, Soren is a ball of energy and my CSO/May Festival season is on it's way out.  Since I haven't had a chance to blog in excess - I am going to use my Instagram feed to do a round up of our crazy past few weeks.​

↑ My name is joined by several talented and amazing people on Philip Glass and Matt Haimovitz's recent release of Cello Concerto No. 2.  I had the opportunity to work with the ​Michael Riesman - ​not to mention the amazing ​Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra!  We were in the iTunes scroll for 2 weeks! 

↑ ​I've got mommas term, the Doula bag is packed and ready to go!  Spring means yummy fresh salads with my favorite pink lady apples.  I love how everywhere I go, I see a part of my kiddo.  He loves his cars and trucks! ↓

​↑ No words - He is getting so big and more handsome everyday.  How did I get so lucky?  Here we are on our way to Soren's first Red's game.  Soren downed a green smoothie and proudly sports his green 'stache. ↓

↑​ We are Sensory Play abound in these parts.  From stacking our Juice Plus+ containers and plowing them down to digging out treasure (straws, spoons and forks - all of which Soren has worked into his vocabulary!) from yummy raspberry jello!  Soren is also an excellent Barista and makes the best coffee. ↓

And the most recent of events - my newest Tattoo and by new, I mean - got it yesterday.  It's a Lotus with my Oma's shorthand, from the flower up saying: Patience, Consistency, Respect and Love.  Four words that impact me and my family more with each passing day.  One of the many lessons I have learned from motherhood - with many more to come.  India Behrens from Skincraft created this work of art.  I love it.​ ↓

Toddler Playroom

Soren's room is probably one of my favorite projects.  Which in all reality becomes a project for the entire apartment.  Of the many things I love about Rick - one I absolute adore is how we both ​see our home as a place for Soren to explore and play.  Sensory play can happen at a drop of hat while baking biscuits with flour, doing the dishes and filling bowls, watering and re-planting indoor fauna, wrapping up yarn balls or even setting up his truck and car ramp on the stairs.  It's all game.

However, we do encourage Soren to 'clean-up' and help put things away.  I follow this wonderful blog, MPMK (Modern Parents, Messy Kids) and she has great ways to organize playrooms (in our case - the whole apartment...).  I implemented some of her ideas and snagged some toy ideas here and here.  The place is really starting to come together.​

I love the picture labels.  Soren knows where everything is and so do we!  He even helps us put things back in the bins and when he spills something exclaims 'I see water, dropped it!', grabs a 'TOW-ellll!' and helps clean it up.  The methods are working great.​

​Better yet - the tools have helped us communicate with him avoiding those wonderful tantrums.  Not to say we don't have them on a daily basis - but they are much ​more manageable.  A mom said to me recently about her toddler 'I don't view it as parenting any special way, I just treat her as a person.  She's just smaller than me.'.  She respects her daughter as a person.  A person with feelings  and experiences - that fears and that loves.  

The importance in her voice when she told me that struck a chord.  So when it comes to designing Soren's play area, fortress or room...however you see fit to call it - I try to think of that.  If he were to re-design my office, bedroom or day, how would I expect him to respect it?  So this is what we came up with.  We ditched his old infant toys, pilfered through the stuffed animals and voila!  Easy to find, easy to enjoy and fun to clean up!​

Avoiding a World of 'No!'

I am beginning to feel like a broken record these days (coincidentally - Soren managed to scratch two arias on my Tosca Record - boo!).  No!  Don't get into the matches... No! Don't spray paint all over the carpet... No! Don't pick up that pile of dog poop.  The more important No's are don't run away from Momma, don't run down the driveway to the street, don't climb - it's not meant for that or No, sit - you'll fall off your chair.​

I hate it.  No really - I do.  I feel like a) the bad guy and b) that I am setting up a world of negativity when I want Soren to explore and learn.  Where is the balance?!  It's not like he throws a tantrum every time you say it.  In fact, I think he is growing out of the phase.  Nope - now he laughs.  Yep!  Laughs....  And yes, he has one of those really adorable belly laughs that you just instinctively join in with.  But the problem with that?  He never, NEVER takes me seriously and we are getting to the point when he really ​needs to.  For his own safety.

I want him to experience boundaries on his own, but there are things that are better left to parental discretion.  So, on top of trying not to join in with his contagious chuckles - I am having the hardest time getting him to listen.  I don't want to yell, spank or do a time out (our version is going to lay down and when he is ready to listen he can get up), but I am at my wits end!!​

I found this great article on Dr. Sears website.  It's been super helpful.  One of the tips is to get out - go do something in a world of yes'.  So that is exactly what we did and had a blast.  We have these gorgeous woods behind our new place so we put the lead on August and went exploring.  It was 45 minutes of yes', great jobs! and ' cool!' (my personal favorite).​

how do you address 'no' situations with your toddler?  any tips or helpful articles?


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013'

This week's choice was SO hard!  So many cute moments and pics.  I choose this one because he really looks like a little boy in it... and he is - not a toddler and definitely not a babe.  He opened the fridge and pulled out the orange juice himself, poured a cup of it and asked for help to get the lid on.  So, SO big!