What are painted ladies? Happy to explain as I, myself did not know until we began our journey through Columbia-Tusculum. The painted ladies are the beautifully colored homes covering the hills of Columbia-Tusculum. Not only does the oldest neighborhood in Cincinnati have picturesque landscape, but great places to visit. CT is green, and not just for Greenerstock and Green Dog Cafe - which are AWESOME, but for the green doors of the Irish Heritage Center, Allyn's Cafe signature gator dishes, the green curtain of the Midwest Ballet Theatre, the sustainable and toxic free environment of Moksha Yoga and even the paint used on the CPS building housing the Cincinnati Early Learning Center.

This is an awesome hood - and more than just worth one visit, I have already been back several times! I'm hooked!

Columbia-Tusculum was a joy to cover and as we wrapped up our visits with Moksha Yoga -​

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And the Cincinnati Early Learning Center - 


All after a delicious lunch at Green Dog Cafe -

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...yes, I know this is my second blog about Columbia-Tusculum, but I just couldn't help myself! The place is great. Check out my last for more pics and oh! the podcast, published tomorrow, March 1st on Local Exposure - a production of 91.7 WVXU, Connecting You to a World of Ideas!!


​Another great day of interviews and we still have yet one more later today with the Cincinnati Early Learning Center - which I am totally stoked about. But so far today, we had a wonderful chat about the history and teaching values of Ballet with Artistic Director, Daniel Simmons and Ballet Theatre Director Nancy Fountain.

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Then we headed over to Greener Stock where Heather gave us the skizzy on how to live in a greener environment - by business, home or rental property!

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And as if that was great enough - we had the opportunity to see first hand Allyn's Restaurant's most recent renovation, done by your's truely - Heather of Greener Stock. Allyn's looks fantastic and just refit it's menu to exclusive New Orleans cuisine that, as Jim Nolan says - bites back with items like alligator and crawfish. Yum!


To top the day - we dined at Columbia-Tusculum's Green Dog Cafe. I devoured some amazing vegetarian curry that powered me up for the rest of the day. My meat loving co-producer snagged a turkey burger that made this vegetarian's mouth water! Can't wait to see what the CELC has to offer!


As Jim and I are very quickly finding out - there is MUCH more to this neighborhood than hwy 50 and old homes. But speaking of old homes - did you know Columbia Tusculum is perhaps the oldest neighborhood in Cincinnati?! I know I didn't - and that there is an Irish Heritage Center - that is beautiful by the way, fully equipped with both a pub - for crazy Irish shenanigans and a hospitable tea room for a quant meeting. There are also great places to grab some grub like Allyn's featuring New Orleans cuisine and Green Dog Cafe sporting local produce and 'good for you' food full of flavor. Or how about calming down with some Moksha yoga or checking out Snow White at the Ballet Theatre Midwest. Yep - Columbia Tusculum is home to all of this and more! Find out on next month's Local Exposure published March 1st!​


​tea anyone? or are you the Guinness type?


Another Day, another Strike!

As luck would have it, actually, really just the CSO schedule, no luck at all - there is a Pops concert next week, WHICH MEANS - not only will I get to see family over the weekend, but my lucky toukes gets to climb in the attic today and strike Microphones! (GRRRRR!).​


This is quite possibly one of my least favorite things to do at my job aside from Mic. Hangs, and editing coughs out of broadcasts (yes, this is where you ALL should be thanking me...after each cough removal session I am pretty sure I walk away with a new form of pneumonia aurally contracted... yuck!)

Anyway - all in all, I do love my job and as one of my co-workers said right before the concert on a Sunday, 'sure does beat working for a living'. And he couldn't be more right. So up we go, into the rafters and down ladders to crawl spaces abound to coil up cables and chat with Music Hall ghosts!

T chau!​

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