​Another great day of interviews and we still have yet one more later today with the Cincinnati Early Learning Center - which I am totally stoked about. But so far today, we had a wonderful chat about the history and teaching values of Ballet with Artistic Director, Daniel Simmons and Ballet Theatre Director Nancy Fountain.

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Then we headed over to Greener Stock where Heather gave us the skizzy on how to live in a greener environment - by business, home or rental property!

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And as if that was great enough - we had the opportunity to see first hand Allyn's Restaurant's most recent renovation, done by your's truely - Heather of Greener Stock. Allyn's looks fantastic and just refit it's menu to exclusive New Orleans cuisine that, as Jim Nolan says - bites back with items like alligator and crawfish. Yum!


To top the day - we dined at Columbia-Tusculum's Green Dog Cafe. I devoured some amazing vegetarian curry that powered me up for the rest of the day. My meat loving co-producer snagged a turkey burger that made this vegetarian's mouth water! Can't wait to see what the CELC has to offer!