Around Here - Changes

As you can see - we are experiencing some changes around here, literally.  In addition to our familial expansion, we've combined our web spaces.  

My Husband, Trent.  I guess I should stop there.  

Trent and I married on October 21st.  Although - according to the law, October 19th.  BUT (gets better), our wedding is December 14th (a Monday. I know.  But being a recording engineer for a major Symphony and commercial projects on the horizon doesn't leave you many options).  So why the marriage then the wedding, you ask?  Why not do it all at once?  Because.

No really, there is a long drawn out explanation, but I will spare the space (no babies on the horizon *wink).  Now happily hitched (gee-gads!!!), we are planning our December wedding and converging our cyberspaces (uh...).  

Trent owns an online card shop - The Gathering Site.  He sells Magic cards and will soon be selling 3 other types of fantasy playing cards.  I sense another furrowed brow.  For all those quick to judge, I dare you - play one round of Magic and you will realize quickly just how complicated the game actually is and the genius required to play. 

We hope next year to open our own physical space for the cards, but until then we are using this one and will soon be operating out of another shop.  I will continue blogging and helping grow the business.  I am so excited about these new changes and grateful I get to do them in partnership with such a wonderful person.  

Cheers.  To change.