Have you heard this song before?
I haven't. Soren came home yesterday singing the most adorable little tune.
'5 little cupcakes in the bakery shop. Ones with sugar and sprinkles on top! Along came momma with a penny to spend - so she bought one cupcake and raaaaaaan away!'
Seriously! We whole heartedly thought school was going to be a milestone for Soren, but we completely underestimated how much of an impact it would have. A few weeks in and we couldn't be happier. He shows so much enthusiasm and comes home with such confidence it's a joy to watch. Even on his uncertain or difficult days - we can talk and work through it.
The school also sends home sheets filled with information about how we can develop as Montessori parents. We now have a 'peace corner', we hang his working words (proactive this month), turn the radio off in the car and talk, sing sitting in a circle, set up - work through - and clean up works, well - you get the idea. It's been an absolute blast!