LIstening is a big part of my job. Ok - it's pretty much the bulk of it. Aside from deciphering client code (it just needs to sparkle here and sound a little...well - you know - omg-y, pingy there), maintaining paperwork, scheduling recordings and oh! setting them up (today I spent far too much time in the attic of Music Hall on a 92 degree day).
I listen for all sorts of things, but one thing I neglect to listen to is tone. Not inTONation or instrumental TONE or the TONE of a recording. The TONE of my voice.
When I talk to Soren, I have become more aware of my tone. Today, for example, I was stressed about replacing a cable in the hall and the microphone hang - so stressed it seeped through into the tone of my voice when talking to Soren. I swear if I would have recorded it, I would have had a violent reaction during playback.
It's not just tone of voice or listening to myself. It's important to be a thoughtful listener. Listen to the tone of a cry or a laugh. The tone of a story.
I work so hard to listen in ear buds, in a hall, a church or on speakers - that I have to remind myself to listen always. To the world around me. As an engineer, a mother and a partner.
"There is a deeper way of listening. When you're really listening you aren't trying to hear what you want to hear. You're just being there. And you have to trust your instincts" -Gordon Hempton