Soren's tantrums are getting tough. Tougher to understand, tougher to control and tougher to handle.
I have done SO much research and read SO many articles but am still left without options. The most success I have had was during a one on one play between the two of us and I mimicked his behavior.
He responded with all the right corrections - even ones I didn't think he heard or responded to. Super impressive. But I worry. Like most parents. I'll level - he's a thrower... of toys. He's accidentally gotten myself and Rick and once - another kid (I felt SO awful. He apologized... but still, so terrible!). I worry - always when we are in public. And I know that doesn't help.
We aren't corporal punishers and trust me - we have tried just about everything. Time outs, counting, breathing, songs, distraction, display, etc.... He's a tough kid - and strong. Even stronger willed.
I guess, in some ways - I should admire his strong will. There is this funny Louis CK bit that resonated a bit too well. If you can stand the profanity, it's worth the listen. Like 'be near a toilet, 'cause I almost peed my pants' kind of funny!