For the love of Duclaws - or lack there of. When August was spayed, there was an order to take out her Duclaws as well. Low and behold when I went to pick her up - those rubbery, loose phalanges were still there! I was livid! With how much time we spend outside camping and tossing ball - she was bound to rip them, and I couldn't afford to put her under anesthesia again so soon.
Well, 4 years passed and she seemed to be working around them just fine. They never swelled but once with an in-grown nail - if anything, they are just, well - kind of weird looking. But yesterday, she snagged one on a stick - playing frisbee of course. She tore a bit of the skin off and didn't even bleed much. She doesn't seem bothered at all by it. Doesn't even lick it! More than anything - it's just a reminder that these things - GOTTA GO!
She is due to get her teeth cleaned, so I guess now is a better time than any to get those things whacked off. Poor little pitty… I feel so awful for our little baby girl and the pain she will have to un-understandingly (if that makes sense) endure. Off to the schedules to be sure I can take the time off she will need for her recovery and to have a heart to heart with Soren - that he will have to take it easy with his favorite playmate.