I feel like I could write a million posts about this - not as a pro, but as an admirer. I admire motherhood.
I never really understood what it meant to be a mother until I became one (obvious, right?). But if your mother was anything like mine, never ceasing to tell us (my awesome bro and I) what an amazing opportunity and pleasure it is to be our mother - expecting me to, of course, get it - but I didn't. Now I have Soren and an amazing partner to raise him with - and now, I get it.
It's a feeling a momma gets when her child smiles at her (not the first time - every time). Or when they roll over the first time and look at you with bewildered, wide eyes, calmed when they know you are near and witnessed the whole thing! What a feat!
Or when they start using signs or words in sentences, asking for 'food', 'help' or one of my favorites 'please!'. When they start to point and run on mini adventures - looking back to make sure you are watching. The first time they run to you when you walk through the doors with their arms wide open waiting for that scoop up and snuggle.
And tonight, for me - watching them play independently, carrying on non-sensicle conversations with a favorite stuffed animal, playing 'choo! choo!' trains. When I went to join Soren, he asked me 'help' and opened my hand and placed the caboose in my palm. He then motioned to the train on the tracks and said 'please...'. I put the train together and got a very gratious 'gank you!'.
Later, I recieved the biggest, warmest hug during a dance party - for no particular reason at all. It was just a few seconds of snuggles and he was off dancing again, but I melted. I looked at Soren and thanked him for being my little boy. I recieved a 'gank you' in return.
Not that he may know what that means to this momma right now - but I will be sure to remind him later. And just like my momma - I will continue to thank him for being my son. I love motherhood.