...and I swore to myself I would NOT be that person - you know, the one that you
ask, "how old is your son?" and they answer, "ohhh....about 26 months..." and
then you are stuck there trying to do the math, looking silly when you finally
realize they could of easily said, "he turned two a couple months ago" or plain
and simply - "two.".
Well, anyway, now I find myself answering 14 months. I promised I would stop
with the months after a year, but every time I answered, "he's about a year old." I
get these surprised glances like, wow! that child is big, or he's already running
around? - so now I specify. I finally came to terms that he is really growing that
fast, so fast per month that it is absolutely worth recognizing his gi-normous
growing leaps and bounds every month.
Which brings me to my blog today. 14 months - wow... I mean really, wow.
Soren started climbing, like - ladder climbing last night up onto an adult chair.
Just about gave Rick and I both a heart attack - but when he made it up all on his
own, we giggled and praised his hard work. Then we both shot each other the
glance. You know? the glance saying in unison, "remember this time last year -
we were rejoicing when he held his head up on his own...". Then and time and
time again (it never gets old) - I saw the happiest, proud, Poppa-tear well up in
Rick's eye. It really goes this quickly. Luckily though - I still get to do things like
rock Soren to sleep or cuddle with him when he gets worn out, and trust me, I
will be holding on to these things as long as I can, because it won't be long before
he is 'too big, and too old' (as he will confidently declare!) for me to rock my baby
(because he always will be to me) to sleep.
Thinking back, I can't even begin to explain just how afraid and tentative I was
about having a baby the day we found out. I remember thinking what an awful
parent I was going to be, or how 'it' was going to fit into my life...but the first
wiggle in my belly, or the first ultrasound, or the look of absolute joy when I told
Rick he was going to be a father washed the worry away and I realized, it isn't
any longer about me. I had 25 wonderfully selfish years - to work, go to school,
party and now, NOW I have started a new life - one for my son. A life I get to
watch explore, mature, discover and develop through wiser eyes. It is an
absolute joy to watch him grow. I truly don't know where my life would be at
this moment had he not been a part of it, but I can honestly say, the these 14
months have taught me more about myself, life and what living is all about - and I
LOVE it!
1 month - starting to support your head...
2 months - almost fully supported head (for short periods of time) and about to
roll over
3 months - exploring mobility, rolling over belly laughing ALL the time! Love,
LOVE tummy time!
4 months - rolling all over the place, swimming on your belly and talk, talk,
5 months - the smiles NEVER stop and you are army crawling backward! And
did someone say solids? Yeah for Bananas!
6 months - sliding all over the place and love, LOVE going to the pool - my lil'
guppy .
7 months - so big! pulling yourself up and walking along furniture...now your
quad crawling!
8 months - still afraid to let go and take off - but holding on with one hand and
9 months - still cruising with help - but less everyday. You are however quite the
speed crawler!
10 months - Grandma comes in town and temps you with your peek-a-who book
and you take off, leaving mom with laughing tears! I can't believe it!
11 months - and off he goes!!! still getting the hang of those legs, but you are now
becoming quite the skilled walker and eating just about everything in sight. What an appetite!
12 months - so now we start the climbing and running. You don't hold still!! I
have to chase you down to eat!
13 months - 8 teeth later and you eat everything, I mean EVERYTHING! Kale,
butternut squash, chickpeas, tomatoes, spinach - and you LOVE it all! oh! and
let's not forget - you now walk backwards and when the music's on you
14 months - here we are - I am ma-ma and Rick is da-da. Your signing please,
more, bye-bye, all done, diaper change and almost hungry. You are trying to
sound out words, mimic and climb. One of my favorites - you read yourself
books and then you read them to me. You have gone from almost rolling over to
climbing in my lap after picking a book out and reading to me! In one year!
Thank you Soren, for showing me what living is truly about. What those 25 years
were for before you were born and what the rest of my life is bound to be filled
with - tears, laughter, worry, pride and pure joy. This year's time has taught me
to waste not, want little and enjoy every moment.