Motherhood Mondays : Smooches Forever

Oh my goodness!  I haven't written on of these in AGES.

This one is subtitled - Sorry Soren, I will cover you in smooches forever.

Now, I definitely wasn't one of those kids afraid of showing affection towards my parents growing up - but once I entered the the teen years I DID have my moments of 'stop, mom - that's embarrassing!' in my pre-pubescent hushed tones.

Sorry Soren - you will get it too.  But now I do.  Mom, Dad - this is my apology.  I understand the desire to smooch your child's face - at any age and ALL the time.  I love you and you can now smooch mine whenever you please.

Motherhood has been an incredible, unexpected gift and pleasure.  Soren had his holiday show this past Friday and both Rick and I were mush.  He was so confident and attentive - we were blown away.  And not that we wouldn't necessarily expect these things, it was the joy and pride he took in it that melted our hearts (and his undeniable cuteness).

We love you bubs.  More than you will know until you have brood of your own.

49 & 50/52

A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014'   

49/52: I can't even begin to describe Soren's enthusiasm for school.  Serious amounts of pumpitude in the morning.  I love it!  "what are you going to do in school today bubs?" "Works, momma!  Lots of works!"

50/52: Soren had his holiday show on Friday and allowed me to snap some shots of him all hammed up.  Suit and peacoat, He was so dapper.  The show - speechless.  A lot of mom and dad heart melting moments.  We were a mushy mess. 

*serious goofball.  Love him! PS - I may have made that coat... momma brag moment.

Objectification + Bret Easton Ellis

Disclosure - if you are a Misogynist or Chauvinist of any nature (yes, ladies, that includes you) this discussion is not for you.  Or perhaps, it is, but is going to brew some heavy handed thoughts (that are welcome).

I was recommended a podcast by Bret Easton Ellis (American Psycho).  It's fantastic.  I listened to his interview (part 1) with Marilyn Manson yesterday and this morning, started digging into his diatribe with Rose McGowan.  Wow.

To put it politely - October was devastating.  On so many levels that when I have the security and confidence to share, I will.  But until then, world, I will admire those that can.  

And it isn't McGowan's shear confidence that is striking to me.  It's what she is saying.  There is a quick story she tells about a man using the term slut, in reference to Blanche, the Golden Girl.  It was clearly an instance she felt needed re-thinking and so she spoke up.  She is not a slut.  'She was sexually liberated and a provocateur...'.  

And that the gentleman did not need to be abrasively corrected.  She doesn't take the female chauvinist point of view here, she wasn't reprimanding him.  Simply an empathetic educator, re-training thoughts.  She speaks throughout the podcast in this non-abrasive tone.  

McGowan is a world traveler and not naive about the youthfulness of America.  She describes the conversations that need to be had here in the US specifically however this country does not yet have the maturity to handle it.  I love this on so many levels.

Then I am reminded of a conversation I had with a friend recently over drinks.  We are in like professions and have been faced with the flippant nature of what we do.  The 'we aren't saving lives' dilemma.  What are we doing?  How self-serving is this, truly?  The more I think upon this and after listening to the podcast and dive even further into examining our conversation I realize -aren't we in the perfect element always to create social change, in any profession?

Creating standards for future generations?  

No matter the profession, our role as adults - a heavy hitting one when taken seriously - is to be an educator.  To provide an environment that allows for re-training thoughts, perspective and empathy.  So I am recording engineer.  But let's dive further.  

1.  No, I do not have the education to clinically save lives.

2. I do NOT have the foresight and knowledge to write prose on philosophy and culture.

3. I AM a mother.  I have the ability to create an environment of education, for at this time - one person.

4. Wait, I work in telecommunications - I have a blog.  I have the ability to reach further.  A few more people, perhaps.

5.  Hold on, I am a female in a male dominated industry.  I used to bat eyelashes and now stand my ground.  What an incredible, personal feat that was!

6. I work with men and ONLY men on a regular basis.  More minds to re-train and develop respect for women in the future.

7. Aren't we now moving towards social change?

It is important to note that there are several forms of feminism.  I am not a female chauvinist.  I have known several wonderful men in my life and some horribly sociopathic and selfish women.  For me, it's creating a world of empathy and understanding - not objectifying.  You are not instinctively 'this' or 'that' by your gender, sexuality, or physical nature.  We define ourselves by the choices we make, taking responsibility and choosing change. 
