Cincinnati Winter

This year we got snow!!! Which is a big deal since we didn't get ANY last year.  When Soren was born we had spectacular snows.  The apartment was warm and cozy while I cuddled with our sweet, new addition to the family.  I was so bummed last year when we didn't really get much knowing Soren would absolutely LOVE it.  But this year, we did.  And low and behold - he had a blast.  

But that's not all Cincy is good at.  Our new discovery lies in Cincinnati's Museum of Natural History (or to most of us - the Train Museum).  The Children's Museum in the basement is unreal! Not to mention the rest of this large art deco building.  Everything is set up for the kiddos.  I feel like it is one of the few child havens where every other word isn't 'no, sorry sweetie, that's not yours...can't touch.'.  Nope - you can touch and explore just about anything (some things, like historic cars and such...well, those aren't game).  Here are few pics from our already 3 visits in less than 2 weeks.  Yes...we ended up with a family pass....


We got snow!!  As soon as Soren went down for a nap, the snow started falling - so, Rick remained on babe-duty and I ran out to collect supplies: Snow jacket, snow pants - and some awesome water-proof Keens.  I checked out the boots first, but they were all so terribly heavy and the only alternative were Uggs, and well - he is a boy.  So I buckled - Soren got his first pair of real hiking boots.  Keens!  We had a blast, but it didn't take long for him to allow me to get his mittens on - brrrr...cold!

Holidays Smell So GOOD!

Boy have I missed writing!  I'm Back!!!  Not just to my blog, but I feel like I have my life back.  After 3 and half weeks of burning itches, infections, swelling, rashes and hives - not to mention over 70 hours of editing and even MORE recording, I feel like I finally own my life again.  Whew!  I missed it - my guys, hanging out with Soren and most of all - getting ready for the holidays!  

Luckily, I happen to be blessed with two of the best dudes ever!  To boost Momma's morale - Rick took us to the Big Tree Plantation last week to pick up our Christmas Tree.  It was a blast.  Soren pet some little horses, we saw Reindeer, picked out a tree and even helped Pappa take it down!  It was so much fun!

While You Fall Asleep....

While you fall asleep, I think I will hold you just a little bit longer.  You're two now - and how fast you have grown... and how fast you go!  I don't get these moments much anymore.  You are so curious and fascinated by the world around you, I have learned to take advantage of your more subdued, rare breaks.  Tonight, you let me hold you while you fell asleep.

It's been awhile since I heard that sound.  I can almost hear your eyes grow heavy as I watch them sink to a close.  Your breath quiets to long hushes from the speedy gasps of toddler play.  The pacifier starts to hang outside of your mouth and then you start to dream.  I can feel the limp in your arms but somehow you maintain the shape to cuddle - to be held - to be protected.  My heart floods.  It floods this massive wave of love through the rest of my body.  A feeling I never felt until you came into this world, until you made me a mother.

Instantly, I start to wonder.  What will he discover tomorrow?  What new words will he put together?  What type of music will he listen to?  Will he go to school dances?  I hope he searches - never stops being curious.  I hope continues to explore and love every moment of this life.  I hope he finds love.

And then, I remember the words of a mother, fresh from our conversation yesterday.  Her daughter is 26 and has fled to a life of her own.  She says to me, 'think of your life as a meter stick.  This part here, barely a quarter of it - is your life before children.  This small just above an eighth of it, is your time with your babe, until he is about 10 years old.  Then this small eighth is from 10 until about 18 - and then he's gone.  He is living his own life.  At that point, you are only halfway through that meter stick.  Hold onto him.  Whenever you can - it goes that fast and is only for such a little amount of time.'

She's right, my sweet boy.  It has gone so fast.  It feels like just yesterday, your father looked at me with tears in his eyes as he brought you to my chest and told me we just had a little boy, Soren Paul.  That you were just learning to hold up that little head and learning to crawl.  I swear you were just furniture cruising and signing.  That can't be though - because you are so big now and already so independent.

So, for now - when you'll let me, I will hold you close.  Wipe a small strand of fine, golden hair from your brow and listen.  Listen to you breath and fall asleep.



Potty Time!

That's right!  I know a little boy that potty'd in the potty!  And not just any potty - the big potty (with a Sesame Street seat converter of course...).  But he did!  Our little man asked to sit on the toilet (pleeeeease!).  After being place on, he tinkled then said 'all done!', got down and flushed the toilet!  I am so pumped!!! (if you couldn't tell).  Not because he might be out of diapers soon, but because he is growing - more everyday.  This is just another obstacle he has conquered.  Watching Soren experience, learn and live is the most rewarding gift I could have ever asked for.

To capstone the day - we made sugar cookies with an heirloom favorite.

Dance partied in the living room, built table forts...

And snuggled.

Ahhh, a day in the life of this mother.  I couldn't ask for more.  My heart is a thousand times bigger and ready for a hectic week with B9 (Beethoven 9).  After our patch session Sunday, work will finally start slowing down and i will get more time with my dudes.