
'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

Lego building has become a pretty regular thing around here.  Watching Soren move from duplos, to traditional legos and now following instructions with absolutely ZERO aid has been astounding.  This creation is an imaginative collaboration between he and his Manny.  The look of concentration is priceless.  


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

Exploring trails with Soren has to be one of my absolute favorite things to do.  He's so curious and enjoys both learning AND teaching on the hike.  I am receiving a lecture in this shot after accidentally stepping on a Daddy Long Leg appendage.  'You need to be more careful MOM!  Daddy Long Legs are part of Nature.  Nature is beautiful.' I couldn't make that up if I tried!


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

The look of determination in this shot was too good to pass up!  Soren has become a monkey bar champ this summer.  I don't know how he does it - every time I take my turn I feel like my armpits are going to rip!


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

oren has been creating 'collections' from outdoors.  Leaves, rocks, acorns - you name it.  He's even snuck in a daddy long leg or 'Harvestman' from time to time.  We live next to a bird reserve so it's been great stomping grounds for this curious kiddo.  Here he is investigating the veins on a leaf. 'It's where they get their nutrition, mom!'


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2015'

I can't believe we are halfway through the year already.  It's flying by (typical parental thing to say but oh - so true)!  We were at the Museum Center today and had the perfect photo opportunity.  Cincy is hosting the All Star Game this weekend and the town is blowing up.  Love this city - Love this kiddo!