
'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014'   

Soren with his drill set adorning both a safety vest and citrus juice mustache.  He's become quite the chatter box these days and it's hard to snap a shot without his mouth in motion *wink.  Love it!  

Here is another just for fun.  Pappa bought Soren his first RC car.  It took a little practice to get the hang of the steering - but he did!  He's instructing me on how it works in this photo.  


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2014'   

Jan 01_2013 02.jpg

And we are on to another year of portraits!  This year I want to really start digging into photoshop layers and using my camera in manual mode.  I suspect we will have MANY Magna-tile photos to come, these were an ultimate gift this year!  I must admit - they are pretty sweet!  

This 52 portrait idea was inspired by many mom-bloggers I follow.  I will hopefully be incorporating a tag into my side bar soon so you can get to them easily.  I am hoping to use this one from a mom's beautiful blog (thank you practicing simplicity for the beautiful tag!!) - her photos are stunning!  Cheers to 2014!


'A portrait a week of my children, once a week, every week, in 2013'   

It's a little late, but here it is!  I had a blast doing this project this year and can't believe just how fast it went.  I am hoping to do something similar this year - but with a different spin.  Any ideas?

Grandma came in town and brought Soren his very own Windmill.  He was ecstatic and we had a blast!  I think someone misses his Grandma already - and so do we.  

Goodbye 2013 - Hello 2014!  It's going to be a good year!